Democracy Cup 2020

Seattle Unite’s


December 14, 2020

Dear Partners and Friends,

Today the Electoral College votes for the 46th President of the United States. That seemed an apt date to thank you for your participation in the 2020 Democracy Cup. We could not have pulled off this campaign without all of your support and engagement.

Before our final sign-off, we wanted to let you know your impact:

2,250,000+ social media impressions (1) 

1,600 visited the Seattle Unite website from coalitions, organizations and opinion leaders

254 downloads of content from the Seattle Unite Democracy Cup site

2,357 passed on, opened and/or received our email outreach (2)

120+ total postings on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter were liked and shared 

80+ organizations participated in amplifying our content

57 PSAs ran on KING5 and KONG television 

42 retweets on one Seahawks post alone with their 4.2 million followers (3)

18 players provided their voices from 6 professional sports teams

5 Sounders FC Post-Match Shows broadcasts with Democracy Cup PSAs

4 very grateful Democracy Cup core members (4)

3 waves of outreach: Completing the Census, Voter Registration and Voting

1 big win for the Democracy Cup with the largest voter turnout ever in history


“The professional sports community in Seattle has been eager to lend their voices.”

- Maya Mendoza-Exstrom, Senior VP of Legal and External Affairs, Seattle Sounders FC

The Impact of One of Our partners: Seattle Housing Authority 

Our goal was a grassroots outreach to traditionally underrepresented communities to encourage completion of the Census and Voting. Seattle Housing Authority stepped up to participate in a big way and provided numbers to us as well!

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Social Media: Promoted 9 times on Twitter to their 3,000+ followers and promoted 11 times on Facebook with their 6,200+ followers.

Emails and Newsletters: The Voice newsletter promoted 5 times to their 6,800 subscribers, Building Community newsletter promoted 1 time to 3,000+ stakeholders, email to all 600+ SHA staff from the Executive Director

“I want to thank you for partnering with SHA on the Democracy Cup campaign. We were proud to feature it and appreciate the efforts of Seattle Unite and our sports teams.”

- Kerry Coughlin, Director Communications, Seattle Housing Authority

Thank you to all our partners for their active participation in this campaign.

Seattle Unite’s mission is to inspire civic action—from voting to volunteering to donating—with the goal of eliminating racial discrimination and social injustice in every aspect of our daily lives. Our work together isn’t done, we hope to work together again.



Seattle Unite, c/o Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Seattle Lodge

Mimi Gan, Mi2 Media, LLC

Betti Fujikado, Copacino+Fujikado LLC


(1) If it didn’t include the #seattleunite or #democracycup tag, it couldn’t be counted by us. Still, we’re grateful to all the teams, players and other influencers who posted and shared this content with and without the tags

(2) Most of you opened them and many of you forwarded to others as well!

(3) We may not have been tagged, but we appreciate the post! Seattle professional sports

(4) Seattle Unite, Mimi Gan, Betti Fuijkado, and Linnea Soo, with creative participation from Dinah Coops, Boone Sommerfeld, and Jim Copacino


Speaker Event: The Truth about Hate Groups & Hate Crimes

